1. Learn how to make a patchwork quilt.
2. Make a perfect macaroon.
3. Learn how to use a sewing machine.
4. Keep the blog going for the whole year.
5. Go swimming every week no matter how cold it is outside!
6. Get my Brownie sleepover licence.
7. Talk to my sister at least once a week. (She lives too far away.)
8. Experiment more in the kitchen.
9. Spend more time with the people who make me happy.
12. Smile more.
I have left 10 and 11 blank on purpose to give me a bit more thinking time. The other 10 were easy as some are things that I have wanted to do for a while and by committing them to paper and to this blog I will feel more compelled to do them.
Good night
I'm especially liking no.7. Looking forward to it!